Special Dedication Ceremony and Official Unveiling of Permanent Plaque Hails Plaza Real at Mizner Park in Downtown Boca as One of Ten Great Public Spaces in America 2010 by The American Planning Association

City of Boca Raton and South Florida government officials, business, tourism and community leaders gathered today for a special dedication ceremony and official unveiling of a permanent plaque and commemorative poster to celebrate the recent designation of Plaza Real at Mizner Park in Downtown Boca (www.downtownboca.org) by the American Planning Association (APA) as one of Ten Great Public Spaces In America 2010.  The commemorative poster, generously printed by National Communications, was designed for display and promotion by area businesses, attractions and cultural entities, and tourism partners to showcase Plaza Real and its APA designation-winning iconic park, lifestyle and cultural attributes. A [...]

Special Dedication Ceremony and Official Unveiling of Permanent Plaque Hails Plaza Real at Mizner Park in Downtown Boca as One of Ten Great Public Spaces in America 2010 by The American Planning Association2014-09-15T00:30:13+00:00

South Florida Wyland Living Green Fair Drew and Inspired Thousands

There were many Aha! moments for the thousands of fairgoers that came out to second annual South Florida Wyland Living Green Fair last weekend at Mizner Park in Downtown Boca Raton that featured globally renowned marine life artist and leading international advocate for marine resource conservation advocate Wyland painting a new 50-foot mural each day with children, eco-conscious Disney teen stars that set out to “Rock Out This Planet” and a host of engaging and entertaining interactive activities, organic cooking demos by South Florida chefs and food tastings; product showcases, displays of eco-friendly hybrid cars; and more to show that now [...]

South Florida Wyland Living Green Fair Drew and Inspired Thousands2014-09-15T00:30:13+00:00

A Great Opening Day For The Wyland Living Green Fair Weekend; More Today (Sunday)

It was a fun and inspiring day yesterday for thousands of fairgoers of all ages who came out to paint a 50-foot mural with globablly renowned marine life artist and marine life conservation advocate; see Disney teen stars Anna Margaret, Jasmine Sagginario, and Ryan Newman ”Rock Out This Planet; venture through the Wyland Water’s Extreme Journey Maze, explore the Wyland Mobile Learning Center interactive museum on wheels, and even paint a hybrid Lexus. Those who missed out yesterday still have the chance to come out today, Sunday, November 7th to experience it all. Wyland starts a fresh 50-foot canvas at 11 [...]

A Great Opening Day For The Wyland Living Green Fair Weekend; More Today (Sunday)2014-09-15T00:30:13+00:00

SME Conference Program Scheduled for November 5, 2010

EDITOR’S NOTE: For continuous news updates on the SME Green Conference or Wyland Living Green Fair, visit www.livinggreenfair.com, follow the WLGF on twitter/green_fair, look for WLGF on Facebook, contact the event producer at [email protected]  or call 561-241-7309.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Media Contact: Kaye Communications, Inc. 561-392-5166Bonnie S. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3099Jon A. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3097Photos Available: Keynote Speaker Josh DorfmanRegister Now for the 2010 SME Green Conference: “The Next Opportunity” To Help Businesses Grow With Green Environmental Television Host, Radio Personality, Author and CEO Josh Dorfman — “The Lazy Environmentalist” — To Give Keynote AddressBOCA RATON, FL (October 5, 2010)--Since there [...]

SME Conference Program Scheduled for November 5, 20102014-09-15T00:30:13+00:00

Wyland Living Green Fair and Miami Dolphins Announce Collaboration to Encourage Dolphins Fans to do Their Part for Clean Water and Healthy Oceans in South Florida

WYLAND LIVING GREEN FAIR MEDIA CONTACTS: Kaye Communications, Inc. 561-392-5166 Bonnie S. Kaye, [email protected], 561-756-3099 (mobile) or Jon A. Kaye, [email protected], 561-756-3097 (mobile)MIAMI DOLPHINS MEDIA CONTACTS: Jason Jenkins 954-452-7170 or George Torres 954-943-6690EDITOR’S NOTE: Interviews with Wyland are available on-site at Sun Life Stadium; must pre-arrange time with Bonnie S. Kaye, Kaye Communications, Inc., ([email protected]), 561-392-5166-office; 561-756-3099-mobile. Hi-res photos available upon request.INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED MARINE LIFE ARTIST AND CONSERVATION ADVOCATE WYLAND WILL ADD “GREEN” TO THE DOLPHINS “ORANGE” CARPET THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th AT SUN LIFE STADIUM IN COUNTDOWN TO SOUTH FLORIDA WYLAND LIVING GREEN FAIR TO BE HELD THE FIRST WEEKEND [...]

Wyland Living Green Fair and Miami Dolphins Announce Collaboration to Encourage Dolphins Fans to do Their Part for Clean Water and Healthy Oceans in South Florida2014-09-15T00:30:12+00:00

Deliciously Green VIP “After Party” on Opening Day of the Wyland Living Green Fair to be Hosted by Five Popular Restaurants at Royal Palm Place to Benefit Two “Green Conscious” Nonprofits: South Florida Green Drinks and Wyland Foundation

Media Contact:Kaye Communications, Inc. 561-392-5166Bonnie S. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3099Jon A. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3097Cutlines:South Florida Green Drinks Board: (from top left clockwise) Doug Pacht, David Etzler, Lindsay Calkins, Clint Malson, Yalmaz Siddiqui, Brooke Ahrens, Marci Zaroff, Rachel Fulton, Mike Wallander.BOCA RATON, FL (October 15, 2010)--Caruso Ristorante , 4th Generation Market, Table 42 Italian Kitchen & Wine Bar, Jake’s Stone Crab and Rustic Cellar are joining together to roll out the green carpet for the inaugural Deliciously Green VIP “After Party” at Royal Palm Place on Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. Held in conjunction with the Wyland Living Green [...]

Deliciously Green VIP “After Party” on Opening Day of the Wyland Living Green Fair to be Hosted by Five Popular Restaurants at Royal Palm Place to Benefit Two “Green Conscious” Nonprofits: South Florida Green Drinks and Wyland Foundation2014-09-15T00:30:12+00:00

Second Annual South Florida Wyland Living Green Fair Featuring Internationally Renowned Marine Life Artist and Conservationist Wyland to Take Root at Mizner Park, November 6-7, 2010

EDITOR’S NOTE: For continuous news updates on the Wyland Living Green Fair (WLGF), visit http://www.livinggreenfair.com/, follow twitter/green_fair, friend on Facebook, email event producer at [email protected] or call 561-241-7309. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Kaye Communications, Inc. 561-392-5166Bonnie S. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3099Jon A. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3097Photos and Interviews Available Upon Request The Free Open-To-The-Public Regional Community Event Featuring Products, Displays, Demonstrations, Samplings. Plus Food, Fashion, Live Entertainment, And Art Will Show South Floridians It’s Easy Bein’ Green!BOCA RATON (October 5, 2010)--In addition to living the good life, this fall South Floridians see how easy it is to be living the green [...]

Second Annual South Florida Wyland Living Green Fair Featuring Internationally Renowned Marine Life Artist and Conservationist Wyland to Take Root at Mizner Park, November 6-7, 20102014-09-15T00:30:12+00:00

Anticipation is Escalating for Disney Stars Anna Margaret, Jasmine Sagginario, Ryan Newman to “Rock Out This Planet” at Wyland Living Green Fair

EDITOR’S NOTE: For continuous news updates on the Wyland Living Green Fair, visit www.livinggreenfair.com, follow the WLGF on twitter/green_fair, look for WLGF on Facebook, contact the event producer at [email protected] or call 561-241-7309. We will be posting regularly with news on the fair and smart green tips and links.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact:Kaye Communications, Inc. 561-392-5166Bonnie S. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3099Jon A. Kaye, [email protected], Mobile: 561-756-3097Photos Available of Anna Margaret, Jasmine Saffinario, Ryan NewmanBOCA RATON, FL (October 6, 2010) --Helping to “recycle some fun” while sharing the “living green” message with their fans… Sound Tree Entertainment brings Disney Channel stars Anna [...]

Anticipation is Escalating for Disney Stars Anna Margaret, Jasmine Sagginario, Ryan Newman to “Rock Out This Planet” at Wyland Living Green Fair2014-09-15T00:30:12+00:00

The Rotary Club Of Boca Raton “Meet and Greet” The Opal Award Honorees Reception For Sponsors And Committee Recently Held At Spanish River Library

From Left: Dr. David Robbe (Education), Jerry Fedele (Healthcare), Emily Lilly (Civil Service), Jim & Arlene Sclafani (Private Sector), Marta Batmasian (Community Service)IMMEDIATE RELEASEMedia Contact:                                                                                                                                               Kaye Communications, Inc.  561-392-5166  Jon A. Kaye, [email protected], 561-756-3097-mobile           THE ROTARY CLUB OF BOCA RATON “MEET AND GREET” THE OPAL AWARDHONOREES RECEPTION FOR SPONSORSAND COMMITTEE RECENTLY HELD AT SPANISH RIVER LIBRARYBOCA RATON, FL (October 21, 2010)—More than 50 OPAL Awards committee members, Rotary Club of Boca Raton Board Members, Sponsors, past OPAL honorees and 2011 OPAL honorees attended a “Meet and Greet” reception at Spanish River Library.  The event was hosted by 2011 OPAL co-chairs Ingrid [...]

The Rotary Club Of Boca Raton “Meet and Greet” The Opal Award Honorees Reception For Sponsors And Committee Recently Held At Spanish River Library2014-09-15T00:30:11+00:00
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