Services Overview
To propel businesses and organizations of all sizes in a variety of industries to grow and dominate their marketplace, Kaye Communications develops audience-relevant strategies supported by BizGen℠ tools and collaborations, expertise in key practice areas and experience in diverse concentrations. Engagements range from new business launches and brand reinvention initiatives, “think tank” level communications assessments, original content/brand message development for various marketing communications platforms to comprehensive annual and phased-in integrated programs, consulting/training sessions and project/campaign-specific campaigns.
Strategy & Branding
As trusted seriously strategic communications advisors to C-Suite executives, entrepreneurs, boutique-sized companies, destination management, and nonprofit management, we help leadership evaluate, realistically plan and best navigate their messaging and communications strategies to activate powerful brand-positioning business-generating plans to support, achieve and often exceed their objectives.
By serving on client’s strategic “think tank”, we are effectively poised to ignite and re-ignite brands from introductions and launches to brand re-visioning, re-invention and total transformation. We do this by conceiving and stewarding effective, often “game changing” brand messaging and activation; coaching and supporting internal communications teams; interfacing with employees and external stakeholders and recommenders; providing innovative business intelligence; identifying potential risks and then developing a relevant crisis communications plan.
Senior level leadership in a variety of industries have benefited from our ability to prevent costly tunnel vision in decision-making; identify yet untapped lucrative audiences; select and introduce mutually beneficial business-generating relationships; report, create and generate news on all platforms; mystery shop; provide proprietary sales-focused intelligence, proactively prep for and managing unanticipated crises, and when needed, serve as an outsourced in-house team or even recruit and/or provide an executive to lead in times of unanticipated communications executive severance or transition.

Integrated Public Relations
Bill Gates said it best:
“If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on public relations.”
Today organizations and businesses have more opportunities than ever before to engage current and yet untapped audiences through meaningful, in-depth and often two-way communication with their target markets and their influencers. Knowing how to expertly harness the power of each brand’s authentic story and share and repurpose it effectively is what empowers brands to grow and dominate.
At KCOM, it is never about a single news release, brochure, blog, e-blast, ad or distribution list…but rather a dynamic and brand consistent integrated communications strategy supported by deep, long-established collaborative strategic alliances and relationships.
With a proven 17+ year firm track record supported by 60+ principal experience in a variety of industries, Kaye Communications has long been a one-stop hub for integrated communications for brand launches, re-freshments, re-inventions, and transformations. Our “build-to-suit” account teams each led by a firm principal start with working with client leadership to set objectives. We then initiate an unbiased assessment of market perception, identify its distinctive DNA (Dynamic Niche Advantages), and focus on authentic FAB (Features And Benefits). We select best communications channels (including news-generating event and campaign engineering), develop authentic messaging (we call it “writing right“) and steward consistency in messaging, content, and visual branding on every platform.

Content & Design
Today: Content is king; Presentation is everything.
KCOM strategically combines both for brands, seamlessly creating a streamlined consistent approach for all your “marketing” public relations needs.
Since consumers are less likely to read anything without a visual component accompanying the written word, our firm develops original, authentic messaging, while also delivering memorable, and sometimes jaw-dropping, visual content to capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.
As a full-service creative hub, we establish or re-awaken brands with dynamic video, online and social initiatives, and graphic design approaches to logos, signage, trade show booths, brochures, website, presentations, and e-marketing, print/online advertisements and commercials, event promotions, social media marketing, and more.

Biz-Gen Tools
“Knowledge is power”… and Kaye Communications has a quiver of competitive powerful intel services and sales tools to help you tap and apply that knowledge.
To maximize your potential for revenue growth, you must know buyers, members, B2B consumers, prospective tenants and clients, event-goers, etc. likes and needs (they will ultimately determine your success), their perceptions of your brand (not always what you think!), what are their most embraced touch points (what influences them), who are you competing with for audience dollars (not always the obvious!), what your competitors are messaging (use it to work for you).
Because you need this critical intel to know where to invest your marketing dollars and efforts, we ask strategic questions, provide the strategic intel, and strategic messaging to keep your decision-making relevant and your communications and sales on track.